Renewal Ministries in Canadaby Tony Copple
In many Christian denominations there is a divide between those who accept the great Biblical events, such as the virgin birth and the resurrection, as historical truth and others who take more "liberal" interpretations. The liberals are also more accepting of modern concepts such as the blessing of same-sex unions. This divide is, it seems to me, wider than the differences between denominations. Those who profess the biblical accounts as truth are supported by renewal ministeries or renewal groups, such as Anglican Essentials Canada, and Community of Concern. Sadly, the very existence of the renewal ministries is often not known to the majority of churchgoers, or even some ministers! The renewal ministries promote their beliefs in excellent magazines and newsletters, like Fellowship Magazine, and Anglicans for Renewal. In my personal case, discovering the renewal groups in the United Church of Canada where I was worshipping at the time was a coming-home experience; I was beginning to think I was separate in my beliefs, and finding "Fellowship" was a wonderful morale booster. Gathered here are links to some major renewal groups and websites. AnglicanPresbyterianPublication - Channels United Church of CanadaGeneral, and other denominations
Individuals experiencing renewal |